Change appearance - Visual customizations - Mercado Pago Developers
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Change appearance


Style properties

Customization momentWhen rendering the Brick
Propertycustomization.visual.{buttonBackground, buttonHeight, borderRadius, valuePropColor, verticalPadding, horizontalPadding}
CommentsWhen sending an empty property, the screen will present the appearance defined by the default layout shown after the rendering of the Brick. On the other hand, when you submit a alternative value, it will replace the default value. To check what the default values are, check out the table below.
KeyAvailable optionsDefaultComments
buttonBackgrounddefault, black, blue, whitedefault-
buttonHeight-48pxMinimum: 48px.
Maximum: free choice.
valuePropColorgrey, whitegrey-
verticalPadding-16pxMinimum: 16px.
Maximum: free choice.
horizontalPadding-0pxMinimum: 0px.
Maximum: free choice.
const settings = {
    customization: {
         visual: {
             buttonBackground: 'black',
             borderRadius: '16px',

const customization = {
 visual: {
   buttonBackground: 'black',
   borderRadius: '16px',


Hide value proposition text

Customization momentWhen rendering the Brick
CommentsWhen true, hides the value proposition text (below the button).
const settings = {
    customization: {
         visual: {
             hideValueProp: true

const customization = {
 visual: {
   hideValueProp: true