Prerequisites - Wallet Connect - Mercado Pago Developers
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To perform the Wallet Connect integration, you must meet the requirements described below.

Recommended for sellers with recurring sales with an average ticket below 15 USD, more than 100 thousand users and at least 2 monthly transactions per user. Or for sellers with a monthly subscription, more than 100 thousand users and an average ticket of less than 40 USD. If you are interested in the product, please contact your sales executive.
ApplicationApplications are the different integrations in one or more stores. You can create an application for each solution you implement to keep everything organized and on track for easier management. Check Dashboard for more information on how to create an application.
Mercado Pago merchant accountTo sell, you must have a merchant account at Mercado Pago. If you do not have one, click here to create one.
CredentialsCredentials are unique keys that we provide you for setting up your integrations. You will need a pair of test credentials to test the integration and a pair of production credentials to receive actual payments. Check Credentials for more information.
Wallet Connect PermissionTo enable your application, consume the APIs mentioned in the documentation, and receive payments through Mercado Pago Wallet, contact your account manager.

If all the prerequisites are met, you can perform the Wallet Connect integration.