Renewal - OAuth - Mercado Pago Developers
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The refresh_token flow is used to exchange a temporary grant of type refresh_token for an Access token when the current Access tokenis close to expiry. The Access token received through the endpoint is valid for 180 days, after which the entire authorization flow must be reconfigured.

The flow allows you to continue using a valid Access token with the same characteristics as the original token without the need for a new interaction with the user. By performing this flow, the original token is exchanged for a new one which also offers the ability to limit scopes by returning a new refresh token for future exchange.

It is only possible to use this flow if the application contains the offline_access scope and the seller has previously authorized this action.

To renew the Access token:

  1. Send the refresh_token code, your credentials, and the authorization_code (see Creation) to the /oauth/token endpoint with the refresh_token code in the grant_type parameter to receive a new response with a new Access token and a new refresh_token.
  2. Update the application with the Access token received in the response.
Remember that every time you refresh the Access token, the refresh_token will also be refreshed, so you will need to store it again.