Webhooks - Notifications - Mercado Pago Developers
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Webhooks (also known as web callback) is a simple method that makes it easy for an app or system to provide real-time information whenever an event happens, that is, it is a way to passively receive data between two systems through of an HTTP POST.

Webhook notifications can be configured for one or more applications created in your developer Dashboard.

Once configured, the Webhook will be sent whenever one or more registered events occur, avoiding a search job every minute in search of an answer and, consequently, a system overload and data loss whenever there is some situation. After receiving a notification on your platform, Mercado Pago will wait for a response to validate that you received it correctly

In this documentation, we will explain the necessary settings to receive messages (through the Dashboard or when creating payments), in addition to showing the necessary actions that you must take for Mercado Pago to validate that the notifications were properly received.

Configuration via Dashboard

Below, we will explain how to: specify the URLs that will be notified, configure the events from which notifications will be received, validate that the notifications you receive are sent by Mercado Pago and simulate the receipt of various types of notifications.


Configure URLs and Events

  1. If you haven't done so already, create an application in the Developer Dashboard.
  2. Once the application is created, navigate to the Webhooks section in the "Application details" page and configure the production and test URLs where notifications will be received.
  3. If you need to identify multiple accounts, at the end of the indicated URL you can indicate the parameter ?customer=(sellername) endpoint to identify the sellers.
  4. Next, select the events from which you will receive notifications in json format via an HTTP POST to the URL specified above. An event is any type of update to the reported object, including status or attribute changes. See the events that can be configured in the table below.
Notification TypeActionDescription
paymentpayment.createdPayment creation
paymentpayment.updatedPayment update
mp-connectapplication.deauthorizedAccount unbinding
mp-connectapplication.authorizedAccount linking
subscription_preapprovalcreated - updatedSubscription
subscription_preapproval_plancreated - updatedSubscription plan
subscription_authorized_paymentcreated - updatedRecurring payment for a subscription
point_integration_whstate_FINISHEDPayment process completed
point_integration_whstate_CANCELEDPayment process canceled
point_integration_whstate_ERRORAn error occurred while processing the payment attempt
topic_instore_integration_wh-Notifications of in-person integrations
shipments-Shipment notifications
deliverydelivery.updatedShipping data and order update
delivery_cancellationcase_createdShipment cancellation request
wallet_connect-Transaction notifications with Wallet Connect
stop_delivery_op_wh-Fraud alerts
topic_claims_integration_whupdatedClaims made by sales
topic_card_id_whcard.updatedCard Updater. The buyer's user card has been updated*
*The Card Updater retrieves card information and updates this data within Mercado Pago. Cards recoverable with this feature include: cards with incorrect information (such as expiration date, card number, CVV, name, etc.) and cards that have been replaced by the financial institution (due to expiration, card upgrade, etc.).
  1. Finally, click Save to generate a secret signature for the application. The signature is a validation method to ensure that the notifications received were sent by Mercado Pago, therefore, it is important to check the authenticity information to avoid fraud.
Mercado Pago will always send this signature in Webhook notifications. Always verify this authenticity information to prevent fraud.
The generated signature has no expiration date, and while not mandatory, we recommend periodically renewing the secret signature. To do this, simply click the reset button next to the signature.

Validate notification origin

At the moment the registered URL receives a notification, you can validate whether the content sent in the x-signature header was sent by Mercado Pago, in order to enhance the security of receiving your notifications.

Example of the content sent in the header x-signature

See below the step-by-step to configure this validation and at the end, we provide some SDKs with a complete code example to make your configuration process easier.

  1. Extract the timestamp (ts) and the signature from the x-signature header. To do this, split the content of the header by the , character, resulting in a list of elements. The value for the prefix ts is the timestamp (in milliseconds) of the notification, and v1 is the encrypted signature. Example: ts=1704908010 and v1=618c85345248dd820d5fd456117c2ab2ef8eda45a0282ff693eac24131a5e839.
  2. Using the template below, replace the parameters with the data received in your notification.



In the template, values enclosed in [] should be replaced with the notification data, such as:

  • Parameters with the _url suffix come from query params. For example, [data.id_url] will be replaced by the value corresponding to the event ID (data.id).
  • [ts_header] will be the value of ts extracted from the x-signature header.
If any of the values presented in the template above are not present in your notification, you should remove them from the template.
  1. In the Developer Dashboard, select the integrated application, navigate to the Webhooks section, and reveal the generated secret signature.
  2. Generate the counter key for validation. To do this, calculate an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function in hexadecimal, using the secret signature as the key and the populated template with the values as the message. For example:
$cyphedSignature = hash_hmac('sha256', $data, $key);

const crypto = require('crypto');
const cyphedSignature = crypto
    .createHmac('sha256', secret)

String cyphedSignature = new HmacUtils("HmacSHA256", secret).hmacHex(signedTemplate);

import hashlib, hmac, binascii

cyphedSignature = binascii.hexlify(hmac_sha256(secret.encode(), signedTemplate.encode()))

  1. Finally, compare the generated key with the key extracted from the header, ensuring they have an exact match. Additionally, you can use the timestamp extracted from the header for comparison with a timestamp generated at the time of receiving the notification to establish a tolerance for message reception delays.
  • Complete code example:

    // Obtain the x-signature value from the header
    $xSignature = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SIGNATURE'];
    $xRequestId = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID'];
    // Obtain Query params related to the request URL
    $queryParams = $_GET;
    // Extract the "data.id" from the query params
    $dataID = isset($queryParams['data.id']) ? $queryParams['data.id'] : '';
    // Separating the x-signature into parts
    $parts = explode(',', $xSignature);
    // Initializing variables to store ts and hash
    $ts = null;
    $hash = null;
    // Iterate over the values to obtain ts and v1
    foreach ($parts as $part) {
        // Split each part into key and value
        $keyValue = explode('=', $part, 2);
        if (count($keyValue) == 2) {
            $key = trim($keyValue[0]);
            $value = trim($keyValue[1]);
            if ($key === "ts") {
                $ts = $value;
            } elseif ($key === "v1") {
                $hash = $value;
    // Obtain the secret key for the user/application from Mercadopago developers site
    $secret = "your_secret_key_here";
    // Generate the manifest string
    $manifest = "id:$dataID;request-id:$xRequestId;ts:$ts;";
    // Create an HMAC signature defining the hash type and the key as a byte array
    $sha = hash_hmac('sha256', $manifest, $secret);
    if ($sha === $hash) {
        // HMAC verification passed
        echo "HMAC verification passed";
    } else {
        // HMAC verification failed
        echo "HMAC verification failed";
    // Obtain the x-signature value from the header
    const xSignature = headers['x-signature']; // Assuming headers is an object containing request headers
    const xRequestId = headers['x-request-id']; // Assuming headers is an object containing request headers
    // Obtain Query params related to the request URL
    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
    const dataID = urlParams.get('data.id');
    // Separating the x-signature into parts
    const parts = xSignature.split(',');
    // Initializing variables to store ts and hash
    let ts;
    let hash;
    // Iterate over the values to obtain ts and v1
    parts.forEach(part => {
        // Split each part into key and value
        const [key, value] = part.split('=');
        if (key && value) {
            const trimmedKey = key.trim();
            const trimmedValue = value.trim();
            if (trimmedKey === 'ts') {
                ts = trimmedValue;
            } else if (trimmedKey === 'v1') {
                hash = trimmedValue;
    // Obtain the secret key for the user/application from Mercadopago developers site
    const secret = 'your_secret_key_here';
    // Generate the manifest string
    const manifest = `id:${dataID};request-id:${xRequestId};ts:${ts};`;
    // Create an HMAC signature
    const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
    // Obtain the hash result as a hexadecimal string
    const sha = hmac.digest('hex');
    if (sha === hash) {
        // HMAC verification passed
        console.log("HMAC verification passed");
    } else {
        // HMAC verification failed
        console.log("HMAC verification failed");
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    import urllib.parse
    # Obtain the x-signature value from the header
    xSignature = request.headers.get("x-signature")
    xRequestId = request.headers.get("x-request-id")
    # Obtain Query params related to the request URL
    queryParams = urllib.parse.parse_qs(request.url.query)
    # Extract the "data.id" from the query params
    dataID = queryParams.get("data.id", [""])[0]
    # Separating the x-signature into parts
    parts = xSignature.split(",")
    # Initializing variables to store ts and hash
    ts = None
    hash = None
    # Iterate over the values to obtain ts and v1
    for part in parts:
        # Split each part into key and value
        keyValue = part.split("=", 1)
        if len(keyValue) == 2:
            key = keyValue[0].strip()
            value = keyValue[1].strip()
            if key == "ts":
                ts = value
            elif key == "v1":
                hash = value
    # Obtain the secret key for the user/application from Mercadopago developers site
    secret = "your_secret_key_here"
    # Generate the manifest string
    manifest = f"id:{dataID};request-id:{xRequestId};ts:{ts};"
    # Create an HMAC signature defining the hash type and the key as a byte array
    hmac_obj = hmac.new(secret.encode(), msg=manifest.encode(), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
    # Obtain the hash result as a hexadecimal string
    sha = hmac_obj.hexdigest()
    if sha == hash:
        # HMAC verification passed
        print("HMAC verification passed")
        # HMAC verification failed
        print("HMAC verification failed")
    import (
    func main() {
    	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    		// Obtain the x-signature value from the header
    		xSignature := r.Header.Get("x-signature")
    		xRequestId := r.Header.Get("x-request-id")
    		// Obtain Query params related to the request URL
    		queryParams := r.URL.Query()
    		// Extract the "data.id" from the query params
    		dataID := queryParams.Get("data.id")
    		// Separating the x-signature into parts
    		parts := strings.Split(xSignature, ",")
    		// Initializing variables to store ts and hash
    		var ts, hash string
    		// Iterate over the values to obtain ts and v1
    		for _, part := range parts {
    			// Split each part into key and value
    			keyValue := strings.SplitN(part, "=", 2)
    			if len(keyValue) == 2 {
    				key := strings.TrimSpace(keyValue[0])
    				value := strings.TrimSpace(keyValue[1])
    				if key == "ts" {
    					ts = value
    				} else if key == "v1" {
    					hash = value
    		// Get secret key/token for specific user/application from Mercadopago developers site
    		secret := "your_secret_key_here"
    		// Generate the manifest string
    		manifest := fmt.Sprintf("id:%v;request-id:%v;ts:%v;", dataID, xRequestId, ts)
    		// Create an HMAC signature defining the hash type and the key as a byte array
    		hmac := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(secret))
    		// Obtain the hash result as a hexadecimal string
    		sha := hex.EncodeToString(hmac.Sum(nil))
    if sha == hash {
        // HMAC verification passed
        fmt.Println("HMAC verification passed")
    } else {
        // HMAC verification failed
        fmt.Println("HMAC verification failed")

Simulate notification receipt

  1. After configuring the URLs and Events, click Simulate to experiment and test if the indicated URL is receiving notifications correctly.
  2. On the relevant screen, select the URL to be tested, which can be either the test or production URL.
  3. Next, choose the event type and enter the identification that will be sent in the notification body.
  4. Finally, click Send test to check the request, the server's response and the event description.

Setup while creating payments

It is possible to configure the notification URL more specifically for each payment using the notification_url field. See below how to do this using the SDKs.

  1. In the notification_url field, indicate the URL from which notifications will be received, as shown below.
$client = new PaymentClient();

        $body = [
            'transaction_amount' => 100,
            'token' => 'token',
            'description' => 'description',
            'installments' => 1,
            'payment_method_id' => 'visa',
            'notification_url' => 'http://test.com',
            'payer' => array(
                'email' => 'test@test.com',
                'identification' => array(
                    'type' => 'CPF',
                    'number' => '19119119100'


const client = new MercadoPagoConfig({ accessToken: 'ACCESS_TOKEN' });
const payment = new Payment(client);

const body = {
 transaction_amount: '100',
  token: 'token',
  description: 'description',
  installments: 1,
  payment_method_id: 'visa',
  notification_url: 'http://test.com',
  payer: {
    email: 'test@test.com',
    identification: {
      type: 'CPF',
      number: '19119119100'

payment.create({ body: body, requestOptions: { idempotencyKey: '<SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>' } }).then(console.log).catch(console.log);


Payment payment = new Payment();

Identification identification = new Identification();

Payer payer = new Payer();



require 'mercadopago'
sdk = Mercadopago::SDK.new('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN')

payment_data = {
 transaction_amount: params[:transactionAmount].to_f,
 token: params[:token],
 description: params[:description],
 installments: params[:installments].to_i,
 payment_method_id: params[:paymentMethodId],
 notification_url: "http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/1ogudgk1",
 payer: {
   email: params[:email],
   identification: {
     type: params[:docType],
     number: params[:docNumber]

payment_response = sdk.payment.create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response[:response]

puts payment

using System;
using MercadoPago.Client.Common;
using MercadoPago.Client.Payment;
using MercadoPago.Config;
using MercadoPago.Resource.Payment;

MercadoPagoConfig.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

var paymentRequest = new PaymentCreateRequest
   TransactionAmount = decimal.Parse(Request["transactionAmount"]),
   Token = Request["token"],
   Description = Request["description"],
   Installments = int.Parse(Request["installments"]),
   PaymentMethodId = Request["paymentMethodId"],
   NotificationUrl = "http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/1ogudgk1",

   Payer = new PaymentPayerRequest
       Email = Request["email"],
       Identification = new IdentificationRequest
           Type = Request["docType"],
           Number = Request["docNumber"],

var client = new PaymentClient();
Payment payment = await client.CreateAsync(paymentRequest);


import mercadopago
sdk = mercadopago.SDK("ACCESS_TOKEN")

payment_data = {
   "transaction_amount": float(request.POST.get("transaction_amount")),
   "token": request.POST.get("token"),
   "description": request.POST.get("description"),
   "installments": int(request.POST.get("installments")),
   "payment_method_id": request.POST.get("payment_method_id"),
   "notification_url" =  "http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/1ogudgk1",
   "payer": {
       "email": request.POST.get("email"),
       "identification": {
           "type": request.POST.get("type"), 
           "number": request.POST.get("number")

payment_response = sdk.payment().create(payment_data)
payment = payment_response["response"]


accessToken := "{{ACCESS_TOKEN}}"

cfg, err := config.New(accessToken)
if err != nil {

client := payment.NewClient(cfg)

request := payment.Request{
   TransactionAmount: <transactionAmount>,
   Token: <token>,
   Description: <description>,
   Installments: <installments>,
   PaymentMethodID:   <paymentMethodId>,
   NotificationURL: "https:/mysite.com/notifications/new",
   Payer: &payment.PayerRequest{
      Email: <email>,
      Identification: &payment.IdentificationRequest{
         Type: <type>,
         Number: <number>,

resource, err := client.Create(context.Background(), request)
if err != nil {


curl -X POST \
   -H 'accept: application/json' \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' \
   'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
   -d '{
         "transaction_amount": 100,
         "token": "ff8080814c11e237014c1ff593b57b4d",
         "description": "Blue shirt",
         "installments": 1,
         "payment_method_id": "visa",
         "issuer_id": 310,
         "notification_url": "http://requestbin.fullcontact.com/1ogudgk1",
         "payer": {
           "email": "test@test.com"


  1. Implement the notifications receiver using the following code as an example:


 switch($_POST["type"]) {
     case "payment":
         $payment = MercadoPago\Payment::find_by_id($_POST["data"]["id"]);
     case "plan":
         $plan = MercadoPago\Plan::find_by_id($_POST["data"]["id"]);
     case "subscription":
         $plan = MercadoPago\Subscription::find_by_id($_POST["data"]["id"]);
     case "invoice":
         $plan = MercadoPago\Invoice::find_by_id($_POST["data"]["id"]);
     case "point_integrartion_wh":
         // $_POST contains the information related to the notification.
  1. Once the necessary settings have been made, the notification via Webhook will have the following format:
For the event type point_integration_wh the notification format changes. Click here to consult the documentation of Mercado Pago Point.

In the case of the delivery, topic_claims_integration_wh and card updater events, we will also have some different attributes in the response. Check the table below for these features.


 "id": 12345,
 "live_mode": true,
 "type": "payment",
 "date_created": "2015-03-25T10:04:58.396-04:00",
 "user_id": 44444,
 "api_version": "v1",
 "action": "payment.created",
 "data": {
     "id": "999999999"

This indicates that payment 999999999 was created for user 44444 in production mode with API version V1 and that this event occurred on date 2016-03-25T10:04:58.396-04 :00.

idNotification ID
live_modeIndicates if the URL entered is valid.
typeType of notification received (payments, mp-connect, subscription, claim, automatic-payments, etc)
date_createdResorce creation date
user_idVendor UserID
api_versionIndicates if it is a duplicate notification or not
actionType of notification received, indicating whether it is the update of a resource or the creation of a new
data - idID of the payment, merchant_order or claim
data - customer_id (card updater)Customer ID with updated card
data - new_card_id (card updater)Updated card number
data - old_card_id (card updater)Old card number
attempts (delivery)Number of times a notification was sent
received (delivery)Resource Creation Date
resource (delivery)Type of notification received, indicating whether this is an update to a feature or the creation of a new one
sent (delivery)Notification sent date
topic (delivery)Type of notification received
resource (claims)Type of notification received, indicating notifications related to claims made by sales
  1. If you want to receive notifications only from Webhook and not from IPN, you can add in the notification_url the parameter source_news=webhooks. For example: https://www.yourserver.com/notifications?source_news=webhooks

Actions required after receiving notification

When you receive a notification on your platform, Mercado Pago waits for a response to validate that you received it correctly. For that, you must return an HTTP STATUS 200 (OK) or 201 (CREATED). If this response is not sent, it will be understood that you have not received the notification and a further attempt to send it will be made until you submit the response.

In the table below you can find the main events, deadlines and waiting time for receiving new notification attempts.

EventDeadline after the first dispatchConfirmation waiting time
Shipping-22 seconds
First try15 minutes5 seconds
Second attempt30 minutes5 seconds
Third attempt6 hours5 seconds
Fourth attempt48 hours5 seconds
Fifth attempt96 hours5 seconds

After returning the notification and confirming its receipt, you will obtain the full information of the notified resource by accessing the corresponding API endpoint:

paymenthttps://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments/[ID]check documentation
subscription_preapprovalhttps://api.mercadopago.com/preapprovalcheck documentation
subscription_preapproval_planhttps://api.mercadopago.com/preapproval_plancheck documentation
subscription_authorized_paymenthttps://api.mercadopago.com/authorized_paymentscheck documentation
topic_claims_integration_whhttps://api.mercadopago.com/claim_resourcecheck documentation

Also, specifically in fraud alerts, you must not deliver the order and you will need to do the cancellation through the cancellations API.

In the notification, you will receive a JSON with the following information containing the payment id to cancel.


 "description": ".....",
 "merchant_order": 4945357007,
 "payment_id": 23064274473

You can also get more order information using the Get order API.

With this information, you will be able to carry out the necessary updates to your platform, such as updating an approved payment.