Home & deco
These are the specific data for the home & deco industry that you can add to your integration to improve payment approval.
Fields to send
Add any additional information that you consider necessary.
About items
Array items | Type | Description |
id | String | Item identification code. |
title | String | Item name. |
description | String | Item description. |
category_id | String | Item category. |
quantity | Integer | Quantity of units for the item. |
unit_price | Float | Unit price assigned to the item. It must be an integer. |
warranty | Boolean | If the product has a guarantee, use true . I it does not, use false . |
About the buyer
Object payer | Type | Description |
first_name | String | Buyer's first name. |
last_name | String | Buyer's last name. |
identification | Object | Buyer's identification data. |
type | String | Type of identification. It is found within the identification object. |
number | String | Identification number. It is found within the identification object. |
phone | Object | Buyer's phone number. |
area_code | Integer | Buyer's area code. It is found within the phone object. |
number | Integer | Buyer's phone number. It is found within the phone object. |
address | Object | Buyer's address data. |
zip_code | String | Buyer's postal code. It is found within the address object. |
street_name | String | Street name of the buyer's address. It is found within the address object. |
street_number | Integer | Street number of the buyer's address. It is found within the address object. |
authentication_type | Enum | Type of authentication. It can be "Gmail", "Facebook", "Native Web", or "Other". |
registration_date | Date | Buyer's registration date on the site. |
is_prime_user | Boolean | Indicates if the user is premium. Put true if they are or false if they are not. |
is_first_purchase_online | Boolean | Indicates if this is the customer's first purchase. Put true if they are or false if they are not. |
last_purchase | Date | Date of the last purchase on the site. |
About shipments
Object shipment | Type | Description |
receiver_address | Object | Shipping address data. |
zip_code | String | Postal code for the shipment. |
state_name | String | Province to which the order is shipped. |
city_name | String | City to which the order is shipped. |
street_number | Integer | Street number of the shipment. |
express_shipment | Boolean | Indicates if the shipment is express. true if it is, false if it is not. |
curl --location 'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: {{uuid}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'X-Meli-Session-Id: {{device_id}} \
--data-raw '{
"transaction_amount": 150.00,
"installments": 1,
"statement_descriptor": "LOJA 123",
"capture": true,
"binary_mode": false,
"sponsor_id": null,
"application_fee": null,
"payment_method_id": "debvisa",
"token": "{{card_token_id}}",
"external_reference": "Pedido01",
"description": "PEDIDO NOVO",
"notification_url": "{{notification_url}}",
"metadata": {
"order_number": "order_01"
"payer": {
"email": "test_user_123456789@testuser.com",
"identification": {
"type": "CPF",
"number": "12345678909"
"additional_info": {
"items": [
"id": "1234",
"title": "Serviço",
"warranty": true,
"description": "Descrição de serviço",
"category_id": "kitchen",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 150
"payer": {
"first_name": "Nome",
"last_name": "Sobrenome",
"is_prime_user": true,
"is_first_purchase_online": true,
"last_purchase": "2019-10-25T19:30:00.000-03:00",
"phone": {
"area_code": "11",
"number": "987654321"
"address": {
"zip_code": "206233-2002",
"street_name": "Av. das Nações Unidas",
"street_number": "3003"
"authentication_type": "Facebook",
"registration_date": "2020-08-06T09:25:04.000-03:00"
"shipments": {
"express_shipment": "1",
"receiver_address": {
"zip_code": "306233-2003",
"street_name": "Av. das Nações Unidas",
"street_number": "3003",
"floor": "5",
"apartment": "502",