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Home & Deco - Industry data - Mercado Pago Developers

Home & deco

These are the specific data for the home & deco industry that you can add to your integration to improve payment approval.

Fields to send

Add any additional information that you consider necessary.

About items

Array itemsTypeDescription
idStringItem identification code.
titleStringItem name.
descriptionStringItem description.
category_idStringItem category.
quantityIntegerQuantity of units for the item.
unit_priceFloatUnit price assigned to the item. It must be an integer.
warrantyBooleanIf the product has a guarantee, use true. I it does not, use false.

About the buyer

Object payerTypeDescription
first_nameStringBuyer's first name.
last_nameStringBuyer's last name.
identificationObjectBuyer's identification data.
typeStringType of identification. It is found within the identification object.
numberStringIdentification number. It is found within the identification object.
phoneObjectBuyer's phone number.
area_codeIntegerBuyer's area code. It is found within the phone object.
numberIntegerBuyer's phone number. It is found within the phone object.
addressObjectBuyer's address data.
zip_codeStringBuyer's postal code. It is found within the address object.
street_nameStringStreet name of the buyer's address. It is found within the address object.
street_numberIntegerStreet number of the buyer's address. It is found within the address object.
authentication_typeEnumType of authentication. It can be "Gmail", "Facebook", "Native Web", or "Other".
registration_dateDateBuyer's registration date on the site.
is_prime_userBooleanIndicates if the user is premium. Put true if they are or false if they are not.
is_first_purchase_onlineBooleanIndicates if this is the customer's first purchase. Put true if they are or false if they are not.
last_purchaseDateDate of the last purchase on the site.

About shipments

Object shipmentTypeDescription
receiver_addressObjectShipping address data.
zip_codeStringPostal code for the shipment.
state_nameStringProvince to which the order is shipped.
city_nameStringCity to which the order is shipped.
street_numberIntegerStreet number of the shipment.
express_shipmentBooleanIndicates if the shipment is express. true if it is, false if it is not.


curl --location 'https://api.mercadopago.com/v1/payments' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Idempotency-Key: {{uuid}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \
--header 'X-Meli-Session-Id: {{device_id}} \
--data-raw '{
    "transaction_amount": 150.00,
    "installments": 1,
    "statement_descriptor": "LOJA 123",
    "capture": true,
    "binary_mode": false,
    "sponsor_id": null,
    "application_fee": null,
    "payment_method_id": "debvisa",
    "token": "{{card_token_id}}",
    "external_reference": "Pedido01",
    "description": "PEDIDO NOVO",
    "notification_url": "{{notification_url}}",
    "metadata": {
        "order_number": "order_01"
    "payer": {
        "email": "test_user_123456789@testuser.com",
        "identification": {
            "type": "CPF",
            "number": "12345678909"
    "additional_info": {
        "items": [
                "id": "1234",
                "title": "Serviço",
                "warranty": true,
                "description": "Descrição de serviço",
                "category_id": "kitchen",
                "quantity": 1,
                "unit_price": 150
        "payer": {
            "first_name": "Nome",
            "last_name": "Sobrenome",
            "is_prime_user": true,
            "is_first_purchase_online": true,
            "last_purchase": "2019-10-25T19:30:00.000-03:00",
            "phone": {
                "area_code": "11",
                "number": "987654321"
            "address": {
                "zip_code": "206233-2002",
                "street_name": "Av. das Nações Unidas",
                "street_number": "3003"
            "authentication_type": "Facebook",
            "registration_date": "2020-08-06T09:25:04.000-03:00"
        "shipments": {
            "express_shipment": "1",
            "receiver_address": {
                "zip_code": "306233-2003",
                "street_name": "Av. das Nações Unidas",
                "street_number": "3003",
                "floor": "5",
                "apartment": "502",